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Diploma of Syariah Studies


Programme Codetitle bottom left g 4
Mode of Studytitle bottom left g 4
Full & Part Time
MQA Registration Numbertitle bottom left g 4
Period of Study (Full Time)title bottom left g 4
2 1/2 Years
Period of Study (Part Time)title bottom left g 4
4 Years
Teaching Modetitle bottom left g 4
Lecture & Tutorial
Language of Instructiontitle bottom left g 4
Malay, English & Arabic
Faculty / Study Centretitle bottom left g 4
Faculty of Syariah & Law
Programme Backgroundtitle bottom left g 4

Diploma in Syariah Studies is a program offered by the Department of Syariah, KUIS since 1995. This program is specifically designed to provide fundamental knowledge of Shariah necessary for assistance officers in religious affairs departments as well as teachers and the public. Through this program, students will be introduced to the basic concepts of Shariah, its major fields and resources which include both classical and contemporary resources. Additionally, the students are also trained how to apply Shariah law in authoritative manner and dealing with contemporary issues relating to Shariah. By the end of their studies, graduates from this program are not only able to master knowledge of Shariah but also demonstrate excellent skills of leadership, entrepreneurship and career success in their daily life.

Admission Requirementstitle bottom left g 4
Malaysian Students
  • Passed Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE) or equivalent, with minimum (3) credits and pass in one (1) subject of Arabic Language or Islamic Studies; or

  • Passed Certificate in Islamic Studies (Level 3 MQA) or equivalent with minimum CGPA 2.00; or

  • Obtained other equivalent qualifications which recognized by the Malaysian government.

International Students
  • Fulfill the English Language Competency Requirements as follows: IELTS 4.0/ CEFR A2 or equivalent to TOEFL PBT (397) or TOEFL IBT (30-31) or CAE (160) (Cambridge English: Advance)/ CEFR B2 or CPE (180) (Cambridge English: Proficiency)/ CEFR C1 or PTE (Pearson Test of English) (30) or MUET (Malaysian University English Test) (Band 2)
Career Prospecttitle bottom left g 4
Assistant Officer of Religious Affairs Department, Preacher, Religious Teacher, Assistant Officer of Islamic Affairs in the Zakat Center Division, Family Development & Counseling unit, Department of Mufti and Islamic Law Enforcement Division.
Estimated Total Feetitle bottom left g 4
Malaysian Student (Full Time)title bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,000
: RM 21,445
Malaysian Student (Part Time)title bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,000
: RM 18,845
International Student (Full Time)title bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,150
: RM 26,345

*including : registration, facilities & wellfare, study & assessment, accommodation : Dormitory D (Full time only) &  graduation fee

  Semester 1
  • Penghayatan Etika Dan Peradaban Atau Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 1 (U1)
  • English I
  • Al Arabiyyah Li Dirasat Islamiyyah I
  • Hifz Al-Quran I
  • Ulum Al-Quran
  • Ulum Al-Hadith
  • Tarikh Al-Tasyri' Al Islami
  • Ko-Kurikulum
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  Semester 2
  • Bahasa Melayu 3 (Warganegara) Atau Bahasa Melayu 1 (Bukan Warganegara)
  • Pengenalan Teknologi Maklumat
  • English II
  • Al Arabiyyah Li Dirasat Islamiyyah II
  • Tasawwur Islam
  • Hifz Al-Quran II
  • Al-Madkhal Ila Ilm Al Dakwah
  • Fiqh Al Ibadah
  • Ko-Kurikulum
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  Semester 3
  • Pengantar Akidah
  • English III
  • Al Arabiyyah Li Dirasat Islamiyyah III
  • Al-Akhlak Al-Islamiyyah
  • Hifz Al-Quran III
  • Al-Ahkam Wa Al-Adillah Al-Syar’iyyah
  • Fiqh Al-Munakahat
  • Ekonomi Islam
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  Semester 4
  • Hifz Al-Quran Iv
  • Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam Di Malaysia
  • Fiqh Al-Jinayah
  • Fiqh Al-Muamalat
  • Pentadbiran Dan Pengurusan Islam
  • Latihan Bina Insan
  • Kursus Elektif:
    • Aliran Pemikiran Semasa;
    • Keusahawanan Dan Perancangan Kewangan
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  Semester 5
  • Fiqh Al-Mirath
  • Al-Qawaid Al-Usuliyah
  • Al-Qawaid Al-Fiqhiyyah
  • Sirah Al-Nabawiyah
  • Al-Tafsir
  • Kursus Elektif:
    • Fiqh Pengurusan Wakaf & Wasiat;
    • Fiqh Pengurusan Halal;
    • Al-Masadir Li Al-Dirasat Al-Islamiyyah