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Bachelor of Islamic Studies (Arabic Language with Multimedia) (Hons)


Programme Codetitle bottom left g 4
Mode of Studytitle bottom left g 4
Full & Part Time
MQA Registration Numbertitle bottom left g 4
Period of Studytitle bottom left g 4
3 1/2 Years
Teaching Modetitle bottom left g 4
Lecture, Lab & Tutorial
Language of Instructiontitle bottom left g 4
Malay, Arabic & English
Faculty / Study Centretitle bottom left g 4
Faculty of Islamic Civilisation Studies
Programme Backgroundtitle bottom left g 4

This program is offered by the Department of Arabic Studies and Linguistics (JPBLA), Faculty of Islamic Civilisation Studies (FPPI), Selangor International Islamic University College (KUIS). It is a major-minor based programme, namely Arabic as the core of study and Multimedia as a value-added by emphasizing the learning outcomes of the program towards strengthening knowledge theoretically and practically in both fields in order to build future graduates that can contribute ideas, skills and expertise for the sustainability of a balanced life as a Muslim who deepens the knowledge of religious obligation (fardu ain) and legal obligation (fardu kifayah) according to current technological developments.

Admission Requirementstitle bottom left g 4
Malaysian Studens
  • A pass in Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) / A-Level or equivalent with a full pass in two (2) subjects or obtained at least Grade C (NGMP 2.0) including one (1) subject related to Islamic Studies; or

  • A pass in Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) with a minimum grade of Maqbul (passed); or

  • A pass in Matriculation/Foundation from any Private Institution of Higher Learning (IPTS) / Institution that is allowed to offer a foundation program in the field of Islamic Studies with a CGPA of 2.00; or

  • A pass in Diploma in Islamic Studies (Level 4 MOH) or equivalent with at least CGPA 2.00; or

  • Other qualifications recognized as equivalent by the Government of Malaysia.

International Students
  • Meet the English competency requirements as follows: IELTS 5.0/ CEFR B1 or equivalent to TOEFL PBT (410-413) or TOEFL IBT (34) or CAE (160) (Cambridge English: Advance)/ CEFR B2 or CPE (180) (Cambridge) English: Proficiency)/ CEFR C1 or PTE (Pearson Test of English) (36) or MUET (Malaysian University English Test) (Band 3).

Career Prospecttitle bottom left g 4
  • Teacher (DG 41) Arabic-Malay translator, interpreter, academician (university tutor or researcher), editor, tourist guide, graphic designer, administrative officer, research officer in Arabic language.

Estimated Total Feetitle bottom left g 4
Malaysian Studentstitle bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,000
: RM 48,179
International Studentstitle bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,150
: RM 51,034

*including : registration, facilities & wellfare, study & assessment, accommodation : Dormitory D (Full time only) &  graduation fee

Programme Structuretitle bottom left g 4
  Semester 1
  • Ethnic Relation (U1) (Malaysian)
  • Malaysian Studies 3 (U1) (International)
  • Islamic Civilisation & Asian Civilisation (Titas) (U1) (Malaysian)
  • Malay Language For Communication 2 (U1) (International)
  • Introduction To Principles Of Islamic Jurisprudence
  • Academic Reading Skills
  • Quranic Memorisation & Tajweed I
  • Arabic Listening & Speaking Skills
  • Introduction To Multimedia
  • Arabic Morphology I
  • Student Training System
  • Co-Curricular Activities
  Semester 2
  • Principle Of Tawhid (U2)
  • Academic Writing Skills
  • Advanced Arabic For Islamic Studies II
  • Multimedia Drawing And Design
  • Quranic Memorisation & Tajweed II
  • Science Of Hadith
  • Multimedia For The Web
  • Arabic Syntax I
  • Introduction To Science Of Daawa
  • Student Training System
  • Co-Curricular Activities
  Semester 3
  • Islamic Jurisprudence Of Worship & Islamic Family
  • Law (U2)
  • Workplace Communication Skills
  • Advanced Arabic For Islamic Studies III
  • Arabic Reading & Writing Skills
  • Arabic Syntax II
  • Arabic Morphology II
  • 2D Animation
  • Graphic Design
  • Student Training System
  Semester 4
  • Jurisprudence Of The Prophetic Biography
  • Introduction To Arabic Science & Linguistic
  • Introduction To Islamic Ethics
  • Islamic History
  • Falsafah Sains
  • Mandarin Language
  • Japanese Language
  • Human Potential Development
  • Malay Language 4 (Malaysian)
  • Malay Language 2 (International)
  • Science Of Quran
  • Islamic Thought & Philosophy (U3)
  • Research Methodology
  • 3D Animation I
  • Information Technology In Human Life
  • Student Training System
  Semester 5
  • Islamic Jurisprudence Of Business & Criminal Law (U3)
  • Multimedia Project Management
  • Introduction To Translation
  • Multimedia Content Management
  • Audio And Video Editing
  • Arabic Syntax III
  • Arabic Library & Literature
  • Arabic Literature
  • Science Of Arabic Rhetoric
  Semester 6
  • Final Year Project I
  • Interactive Arabic Methodology Of Teaching
  • Islamic Studies
  • Translation Of Business Texts
  • Oral Translation
  • Arabic Language For Advertisement Purposes
  • Arabic Language For Commercial Purposes
  • Arabic Lexicography
  • Islamic & Arabic Civilisation
  • Future Of Arabic In Information Technology I
  Semester 7
  • Social Work (U4)
  • Final Year Project II
  • Industrial Training & Report
  • Arabic Language & Electronic Content Design
  • Quranic Rethoric
  • Public Speaking
  • Future Of Arabic In Information Technology II