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Bachelor of Al-Quran and Al-Qiraat (Hons)


Programme Codetitle bottom left g 4
Mode of Studytitle bottom left g 4
Full Time
MQA Registration Numbertitle bottom left g 4
Period of Studytitle bottom left g 4
4 Years
Teaching Modetitle bottom left g 4
Lecture & Tutorial
Language of Instructiontitle bottom left g 4
Malay, Arabic & English
Faculty / Study Centretitle bottom left g 4
Faculty of Islamic Civilisation Studies
Programme Backgroundtitle bottom left g 4

This program is suitable for students who want to deepen the knowledge of Qiraat in detail. Students will learn Qiraat Asyarah Sughra theoretically and practically. In addition, this program also provides courses other than Qiraat knowledge such as Mustalah al-Hadith, Fiqh al-Sirah, Tadabbur al-Quran, Tartil al-Quran, Tafsir Ayat Ahkam, Asas Taranum and others. This program will equip students with religious knowledge focused on the Quran and al-Qiraat.

Admission Requirementstitle bottom left g 4
Malaysian Studens
  • Passed Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) with a CGPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00, and at least a full pass in TWO subjects (one of them in a subject related to Islamic Studies), or

  • Passed Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) with the rank of maqbul; or

  • Passed Matriculation / Foundation from any IPTA / IPTS / Institution that is allowed to offer a foundation program in the field of Islamic Studies with a minimum CGPA of 2.00; or

  • Passed the Diploma in Tahfiz Al-Quran and Al-Qiraat recognized by the KUIS Senate Committee; or

  • Passed a recognized Diploma in Islamic Studies or equivalent, with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 out of 4.00; and

  • Has a Certificate of Completion of Al-Quran Memorization recognized by the KUIS Senate Committee.

International Students
  • Have an A-Level or its equivalent for International students, provided they have passed at least one subject of Islamic Studies; or

  • Other equivalent qualifications recognized by the Government of Malaysia; and

  • Has a Certificate of Completion of Al-Quran Memorization recognized by the KUIS Senate Committee

Career Prospecttitle bottom left g 4
  • Administrative Officer, Education Officer, Islamic Affairs Officer, Imam, Mosque Officer, Tutor, Tahfiz Teacher, Religious Teacher, Quran Teacher, Preacher.

Further Studies Prospecttitle bottom left g 4
  • Master of al-Quran and al-Qiraat at IPTA/ IPTS, Master of Qiraat Knowledge Studies KUIS.

Estimated Total Feetitle bottom left g 4
Malaysian Studentstitle bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,000
: RM 47,414
International Studentstitle bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,150
: RM 54,819

*including : registration, facilities & wellfare, study & assessment, accommodation : Dormitory D (Full time only) &  graduation fee

Programme Structuretitle bottom left g 4
  Semester 1
  • Hubungan Etnik (U1) / Pengajian Malaysia 3(U1)
  • Tamadun Islam Dan Tamadun Asia (Titas) (U1) / Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2 (U1)
  • Al-Arabiyyah Al-Aliyah Li Al-Dirasat Al-Islamiyyah I
  • Academic Reading Skills
  • I'adah Hifz Al-Quran I
  • Qiraat Ilmiyyah Wa Hifz Al-Mutun I
  • Ko-Kurikulum
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  Semester 2
  • Al-Madkhal Ila Usul Al-Fiqh
  • Academic Writing Skills
  • Al-Arabiyyah Al-Aliyah Li Al-Dirasah Al-Islamiyyah II
  • Teknologi Maklumat Dalam Kehidupan Insan
  • I'adah Hifz Al-Quran II
  • Qiraat Ilmiyyah Wa Hifz Al-Mutun II
  • Mustalah Al-Hadith
  • Ulum Al-Quran
  • Al-Madkhal Ila Ilm Al-Dakwah
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  • Ko-Kurikulum
  Semester 3
  • Asas Tauhid (U2)
  • Workplace Communication Skills
  • Al-Arabiyyah Al-Aliyyah Li Dirasat Islamiyyah III
  • Bahasa Melayu 4 (Warganegara) / Bahasa Melayu 2 (Antarabangsa) / Bahasa Mandarin / Bahasa Jepun / Pembangunan Potensi Insan
  • Fiqh Al-Sirah
  • I'adah Hifz Al-Quran III
  • Qiraat Ilmiyyah Wa Hifz Al-Mutun III
  • Qiraat Amaliyyan I
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  Semester 4
  • Falsafah Dan Pemikiran Islam (U3)
  • Fiqh Ibadat Dan Munakahat (U2)
  • Pengantar Akhlak / Al-Tarikh Al-Islami / Falsafah Sains
  • I'adah Hifz Al-Quran IV
  • Qiraat Ilmiyyah Wa Hifz Al-Mutun IV
  • Qiraat Amaliyyan II
  • Sejarah Mashaf Kontemporari
  • Ilm Al-Fawasil
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  Semester 5
  • Fiqh Muamalat Dan Jinayat (U3)
  • I'adah Hifz Al-Quran V
  • Qiraat Ilmiyyah Wa Hifz Al-Mutun V
  • Qiraat Amaliyyan III
  • Tadabbur Al-Quran
  • Dabt Wa Rasm Al-Quran
  • Al-Israiliyyat Wa Al-Mawdu`At Fi Al-Tafsir
  • Sistem Tarbiyah Pelajar
  Semester 6
  • I'adah Hifz Al-Quran VI
  • Qiraat Amaliyyan IV
  • Metodologi Penyelidikan
  • Tarikh Al-Qurra' Wa Al-Qiraat
  • Tartil Al-Quran
  • Al-Qiraat Al-Syadhdhah
  Semester 7
  • I'adah Hifz Al-Quran VII
  • Qiraat Amaliyyan V
  • Tawjih Al-Qiraat I
  • Latihan Ilmiah
  • Asas Tarannum
  • Khidmat Ummah (U4)
  Semester 8
  • I'adah Hifz Al-Quran VIII
  • Qiraat Amaliyyan VI
  • Tawjih Al-Qiraat II
  • Tafsir Ayat Al-Ahkam
  • Tarannum Lanjutan
  • Qiraat Dalam Perundangan Islam
  • Ilmu Takhrij Hadith