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Bachelor of Islamic Finance (Banking) (Hons)


Programme Codetitle bottom left g 4
Mode of Studytitle bottom left g 4
Full  & Part Time
MQA Registration Numbertitle bottom left g 4
Period of Studytitle bottom left g 4
4 Years
Teaching Modetitle bottom left g 4
Lecture & Tutorial
Language of Instructiontitle bottom left g 4
Malay & English
Faculty / Study Centretitle bottom left g 4
Faculty of Management & Muamalah
Programme Backgroundtitle bottom left g 4

This programme was developed by the Faculty Of Management and Muamalah, KUIS to fulfill the increasing demand for experts in islamic banking and finance sector in Malaysia and globally.

Admission Requirementstitle bottom left g 4
Malaysian Students
  1. A pass in STPM with a minimum of Grade C (GPA 2.00) in any two (2) subjects and a pass in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent; OR

  2. A pass in STAM with a minimum grade of Jayyid and a pass in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent; OR

  3. A recognised Certificate in Matriculation or Foundation with a minimumCGPA of 2.0 and a pass in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent; OR

  4. A Diploma (Level 4, MQF) in MIF or related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 or equivalent; (Candidates with CGPA below 2.5 but above 2.0 may be admitted subject to an internal assessment process) OR

  5. Any other Diploma (Level 4, MQF) with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 and a pass in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent; OR

  6. Other relevant equivalent qualifications recognised by the Malaysian Government.

The pass in Mathematics at SPM level for candidate (i), (ii), (iii) and (v) can be waived should the qualification contains Mathematics with equivalent / higher achievement.

International Students
  • -
Career Prospecttitle bottom left g 4
Finance Executive, Investment Banker, Islamic Wealth Planner, Financial Data Analyst, Banker, Takaful & Fintech Executive.
Estimated Total Feetitle bottom left g 4
Malaysian Students (Full Time)title bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,000
: RM 47,394
Malaysian Students (Part Time)title bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,000
: RM 43,060
 International Students (Full Time)title bottom left g 4
Registration Fee
Total Fee*
: RM 1,150
: RM 54,694

*including : registration, facilities & wellfare, study & assessment, accommodation : Dormitory D (Full time only) &  graduation fee

Programme Structuretitle bottom left g 4
  Semester 1
  • Hubungan Etnik
  • Tamadun Islam Dan Tamadun Asia (Titas)
  • Fiqh Ibadat Dan Munakahat
  • Business Accounting
  • Banking System In Malaysia
  • Al Lughah Al Arabiah I
  • Academic Reading Skills
  Semester 2
  • Islamic And Conventional Financial System
  • Principles Of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul Fiqh)
  • Fiqh Muamalah I
  • Teknologi Maklumat Dalam Kehidupan Insan
  • Al Lughah Al Arabiah Ii
  • Bahasa Melayu 4
  • Academic Writing Skills
  Semester 3
  • Fiqh Muamalat Dan Jinayat
  • Workplace Communication Skills
  • Fiqh Muamalah II
  • Financial Management
  • Business Mathematics
  • Elektif Umum
  Semester 4
  • Islamic Banking And Financial Services
  • Investment Analysis
  • Statistics
  • Khidmat Ummah
  • Falsafah Dan Pemikiran Islam
  • Elektif Disiplin I
  Semester 5
  • Marketing Of Financial Services
  • Law Of Islamic Banking And Takaful
  • Corporate Finance
  • Islamic Legal Maxims (Qawaid Fiqhiyyah)
  • Cost And Management Accounting
  • Al-Dirasat Al-Islamiah
  Semester 6
  • Economics
  • Islamic Wealth Management
  • Credit Management
  • Bank Management
  • Elektif Disiplin II
  Semester 7
  • Current Issues In Islamic Finance
  • Islamic Economics
  • Accounting For Islamic Institutions
  • Risk Management
  • Taxation And Zakat
  • Elektif Disiplin III
  Semester 8
  • Latihan Industri